Monday, February 28, 2011


My watermelon died. I had it in a container under a lamp, I covered it with clear plastic and it was briefly revived but failed to stay alive. Trying again with new seeds tomorrow.  Also my gourds died.  Found they were perfectly healty but snapped in half. Also found cat hair and concluded my cat broken them.  Those will also be replanted soon.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Transplant day

We are about to make a big transplant from seed tray to pots.  we will transfer over 15 plants tomorrow and then 10 more the next day.  I have postedpictures at and you can follow progress there too.

i did have some squash stems break when trying to bend to the ground.  but they split in 3 and layed over and now have fully heald to funtion perfectly. pics also posted at my site.

I did also finnally say good by to an old okra plant. It has gotted sick and I have disposed of it.  I would reccomend to keep sick plants aways from other plants. 

more to come

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cold Weather

With this cold snap I ham having difficulty plating outside.  I am trying to encourage my strawberries out with a fish tank that I use to incubate seed with. I have a container with a plastic hood that i set the light on and I plant the seed in coves in the container and with a little water it creates a small ecosystem kinda. But with these strawberries they are getting the heat and light they need but the moisture is escaping and i think on of them dried out.  It important to make sure when plants first sprout in any container that it is kept moist as the close heat can dry out your plants in this delicate stage. Some are definitely finickierr than others.  I am worried about my asparagus tho. It has been a week since I planted 6 started root systems of asparagus I purchased through home depot and nothing has come up yet. I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Strawberries

Of the 6 that are planted we have 3 strawyberry plants that have opened. I am wanting to chronical the life of many of my plants and have begun a website to accomplish this.  I did want to share a few successes though.


gourd comping up

Gourd Seed

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

farming start

We planted "started" seeds of strawberries and some asparagus. After some time we have a few sprouts. The winter storm coming will put us 10 below freezing and worse. so our plants are all covered and brought in etc.  i will have pics soon of our sprouts. we have some second year jalapenos that are dwindling. we will see how they end up.